Drunk driving incidents claim about 10,000 lives each year. This is a number that law enforcement across the country is working hard at reducing. Many counties have stop DWI programs in place. These programs include checkpoints, undercover compliance checks at local liquor stores, and monitoring of popular pubs around town. Did you know that you could get a DUI charge prior to actually driving down the road? Every state has a different law, but many people don’t realize that they can also be charged with attempting to operate a vehicle while intoxicated. This means that you’ve come out of the bar after having a few cocktails, get into your car, start it up, and fiddle with the heat or radio while the car is running. If a police officer is watching the premises, he can arrest you for DUI for being in physical control of the vehicle while under the influence. Of course, you can try to contest the arrest, but most juries across the nation are not empathetic to drunk drivers. The goal of this program is to keep drunk drivers off the road.
If you find yourself with a DUI offense for driving or attempting to drive your vehicle, you know you are in for a legal long haul. There will be court dates, fines, possible jail time, possible loss of license, community service work and court mandated alcohol education classes. These courses are a means to help drivers charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs learn why this behavior should not be repeated.
Online DUI classes are a great way for busy people to fulfill court-mandated requirement. If you have already missed work to attend court dates, have spent time away from the family dealing with the situation, and maybe don’t have a valid license right now, online classes are the way to go. An online class is an affordable way to learn your alcohol and drug education content without having to leave the home. All you need is WIFI connection and you can register and take a class from your laptop, PC, Smartphone or Ipad. Nothing needs to be printed out or downloaded, so you don’t have to be in a classroom or office environment.
Just like you would for any product you purchase, be sure to do a background check on the online DUI program you choose. It’s important that the company that has designed the program is reputable so that the court will consider accepting it. A course that is designed by a currently licensed and practicing psychotherapist and expert in the field of drugs and alcohol definitely helps your case. Insure that you can get a hold of this expert if you need help with the court system because sometimes a phone call to your probation officer or attorney can help your cause.
Another huge benefit of taking an online class is that you can often get it done more quickly if you are under time constraints. For example, if the judge has ordered that you take a 20-hour alcohol and drug awareness class, one hour a week in a classroom will take you 5 months to complete. This same 20-hour class can be taken online at your own pace. If you want to sit down for 10 hours a day over 2 days, you can.
If there’s one thing an online DUI class will teach you, it’s to hand your keys over to a designated driver next time!