Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Witherspoon and Toth Will Benefit From Private Online DUI Classes!

After the incident this past weekend when Reese Witherspoon’s husband, Jim Toth, was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol in Atlanta, we thought it would be wise to give some helpful hints on what to do and not to do if you are pulled over. Apparently, the officer noticed that the car was being driven erratically and when Toth was pulled over, it was reported that he had droopy bloodshot eyes and his breath smelled of alcohol. The officer asked him to perform a field sobriety test after he admitted to having a drink at a restaurant two hours earlier. Witherspoon responded by getting out of the car twice and when she was asked to get back in, she leaned out the window and told the officer that she didn’t believe he was a real police officer. Then Mrs. Witherspoon got testy and asked the officer if he knew who she was and told him that he was going to be on national news. The officer was uninterested in her celebrity persona and proceeded to take both Toth and Witherspoon to jail.

The moral of the story is that if you are pulled over for a DUI, or are a passenger in the car, do not get out of your car unless the police officer asks you to! You do not need to respond to the officer and tell him how much alcohol you have consumed. And, you definitely should not provoke him with disrespectful behavior. You have the ability to refrain from answering all questions because of your 5th Amendment right. This amendment protects you from self-incrimination, which is helpful when you go to trial because the officer can’t later testify that you were slurring your words or making aggressive comments.

If you have been arrested for a DUI and need to take a drinking and driving education course as part of your retribution, consider taking your class online! You’ve already gone through the embarrassment and hassle of spending time in jail, missing work for court dates, coming up with the money to pay off the fines and lawyer fees, and spent your weekends doing community service work. Now it’s time to implement a tool that is available from the comfort of your own home. Depending on the severity of the offense, the judge will generally order an 8, 12, 16, 20 or 24-hour, level 3 DUI drug and alcohol awareness class. When you receive the sentence, either you or your attorney can ask the judge for permission to take the course online.

Online DUI classes are the most convenient and private way to go. High profile celebrities like them because they can avoid going into a crowded, public classroom full of DUI offenders. Online classes allow you to fulfill this requirement without the whole town or world watching you enter and exit a traditional classroom. Instead, once you enroll online, the entire course becomes available on your computer screen. The participant simply scrolls through and reads the educational material. At the end of class a multiple choice final exam is issued. With a 70% or better, a Certificate of Completion is sent to you. This is the documentation that the court needs to see to prove you accomplished this portion of the court mandate.

Stay low profile with an Online DUI course while learning the most recent research and skills to stop you from ever drinking and driving again!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Online DUI Classes For The Top 18 States With Highest DUI Rates

Think about this before you get behind the wheel of an automobile the next time you are out drinking – every injury or death caused by drunk driving is preventable. Unfortunately, many of us don’t realize the severity of the risks we are taking when we drink and drive. For women with low body weight, 1 -2 glasses of wine is all it takes to slow down and alter normal reaction time. And, don’t be fooled. It’s important to know that the alcohol content in a typical beer, glass of wine and mixed drink is similar. All it takes is one night out with the girls and then driving yourself home, to completely change your life forever. However, some of us take this risk all too often thinking that we’re not that buzzed or if we take a back route, we won’t get caught.

Some enlightening news, according to a CBS news survey, is that the top 18 states with highest drinking and driving rates are as follows:

1. North Dakota – out of 1,000 people surveyed, 988 admitted to alcohol impaired driving

2. Delaware – 843/1000

3. Massachusetts – 835/1000

4. Nebraska – 832/1000

5. Louisiana – 728/1000

6. Missouri – 701/1000

7. Michigan – 689/1000

8. South Dakota – 623/1000

9. Alabama – 621/1000

10. Iowa – 620/1000

11. Texas – 605/1000

12. Montana – 603/1000

13. Wyoming – 586/1000

14. Ohio – 585/1000

15. South Carolina - 582/1000

16. Connecticut – 567/1000

17. Illinois – 513/1000

18. Hawaii 492/1000

If you have made decision to drink and drive and have found yourself with a DUI, you will need to take an alcohol awareness class as part of your restitution. Research actually shows that jail time does little to reform individuals who have been cited for this offense. It’s the education component that hits home and acts to reform behavior.

Alcohol and drug awareness classes are designed to teach participants about the DUI problem in America, how this behavior affects loved ones and society as a whole, how the drugs and alcohol affect the brain, central nervous system and entire body and specifically how it affects your driving ability. Participants also walk away with new knowledge and skill sets to help them overcome peer pressure and their own indecisiveness. Alcohol and drug classes teach drunk driving offenders how lucky they are to have made it through this incident without harming anyone and why exactly the behavior needs to end. Students are left with a complete understanding of the risks and repercussions that they are facing if they continue to drink and drive so that they will hand the keys over to a sober friend next time.

The most convenient way to take a DUI class is online. Many offenders find that weekly classes are held in the evenings when they work or travel for business. An online DUI class can be taken from an Internet connected computer device and from anywhere in the country. If you work the 2nd shift, then you take the class in the morning or early afternoon prior to going into work. If you travel, you can take it from your hotel room while you are on the road. Online DUI classes are designed to be court approved so they include all the same information you would find in a live classroom. Just check with your probation officer, judge or attorney to get approval for taking a distance learning class so you don’t run into conflict at your court date.

The message is not to drink and drive! If it’s too late, take an online driving under the influence class to fulfill your court mandate.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Underage Drinkers Should Take Online DUI Class To Learn Risks And Repercussions

Now that Spring break madness is coming to an end, the next concern on many parent’s minds is Prom/Graduation parties. Getting a DUI is no fun and it’s important for parents to have the conversation with their teens so they are fully aware of the repercussions of drinking and driving. Mothers Against Drunk Drivers has a 48 page handbook on their website that gives parents tips on how to go about having the discussion. Some of the key points as summarized are as follows:

    *Emphasize the drinking age is 21.

*Educate them about how alcohol slows down motor skills, reduces inhibition and impairs judgment.

*Discuss ways to get out of uncomfortable situations when peer pressure arises.

*Discuss reasons why they shouldn’t drink. Tell stories of the death and destruction drinking and driving can leave behind.

*Discuss your position on underage drinking and what the consequences will be in your own home.

Another way to add to this discussion is to have your teenager take an 8 hour online alcohol and drug awareness class, Minor in Possession or DUI class. These classes are available to fulfill court requirements but also work well as a deterrent. Research shows that the younger a person learns about the negative repercussions of alcohol and drug abuse and drunk driving, the lower the chances that they will engage in this risky behavior. This is why MADD makes such a point of having presentations at the high school level. It helps to scare teens straight.

A simple, interesting and engaging way to add to your discussion with your teen is to have them enroll in a class online. High quality courses are now available on the Internet, so you don’t have to drive to a classroom or add one more activity to your already busy schedule. Online DUI classes can be accessed at any time of the day or night. Teenagers enjoy using computer technology and also like to stay up late, a perfect combination for an online course.

Teens will learn about the drug, alcohol and DUI problem in America and how drugs directly affect their bodies and minds. They’ll learn about blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and what happens when you try to drive a car after drinking. The long and short health risks of alcohol and drug use are enough to make any young adult think twice about succumbing to peer pressure. Participants also walk away with new skills in stress management and how to communicate with others. It’s a great way to take a proactive approach to the overall problem.

Online alcohol and drug classes are also often court approved. If your teen has been caught for an open container violation or obstruction of justice, a Minor in Possession class can fulfill the court ordered education requirement. Just ask your judge for prior approval of an online class and your teen can stay in the safety and comfort of your own home to learn the material. A certificate of completion is issued upon the successful completion of the course to prove to the court system that the requirement was fulfilled.

Have your teen take an online DUI, alcohol and drug awareness or MIP class today for a safer, brighter tomorrow.