Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Repercussions of Drinking and Driving

Did you know that according to MADD, every 52 minutes on average, someone is killed in a drunk driving crash and every 90 seconds, someone is injured due to this entirely preventable crime.  There are numerous tragic stories about people who have been killed unexpectedly by an intoxicated driver.  In 2012 alone, an estimated 1 million drivers in the U.S. were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.  In fact, MADD also states that nearly a third of all people who are arrested for drunk driving are people who have already done so in the past. You should be aware that no matter how “in control” you feel, if you get behind the wheel of an automobile after drinking alcohol, you can easily contribute to these statistics. 

This is especially important to be cognizant of if you are younger in age. Younger people often feel like they are invincible and completely in control.  However, MADD and the NHTSA state that the highest population of those involved in fatal crashes resulting from drinking and driving, are those who are in the 21 to 24 age group.  The 25 to 34 age group is not too far behind in this statistic.

Be aware that the repercussions of drinking and driving can be dire.  Therefore, laws are meant to severely punish offenders.  If you are caught for DUI, no matter what your age, you will be punished with initial jail time to sober up, car impoundment, significant fines, community service work and mandatory alcohol awareness education.  You might also have your license suspended which will cause you more expense and stress to find an alternative method of getting to your responsibilities.

Furthermore, the worst part about the fines incurred is very expensive. In fact, it might cause you to be unable to pay off other debts. What makes this even harder to deal with is the fact that these fines will not be discharged from your record in the event that you have to declare bankruptcy for any reason. It is a serious concern that you have to be fully aware of.

We tend to rationalize that just this one time, I’ll drive and make it home safely.  It’s this mentality that keeps drunk drivers on the streets.  The risk of potentially causing an accident due to poor reaction time or judgment is just not worth it.  If one life is saved by the choice you make to hand the keys over to someone else or take a cab, it is worth it.  If someone you know or love suffers from alcohol addiction, get help immediately.

If you have already been convicted of a DUI and need to take alcohol education classes to fulfill your court mandate, then look no further.  Online alcohol and drug awareness classes are convenient, low in cost and easy to take.  Just get the approval of your court system first, then at the click of a button, you can log into a high quality course to meet your needs.  Classes are available in different lengths, based on what the court requires and can be completed at your own pace, any time of the day or night.  This means you won’t have to miss any work, or life commitments to complete this part of your restitution. They are an ideal way to satisfy this requirement. 

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