Now that we are fully ensconced in the new school year, it’s time to remind parents to have a talk with their teens about drinking and driving. In it’s 17 th annual back-to-school survey, The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University found that 17 percent of high
school students drink alcohol, take drugs and smoke during the average school day. You might not think that your child would ever become part of these
statistics, but that’s about 2.8 million teens. Even if your child hasn’t taken this step, it’s around him. The survey goes on to say that for the sixth
year in a row, 60% of the student population noted that drugs are used or sold on their high school grounds. 44% of these students personally knew someone
on campus that sold drugs. The bottom line is that illegal substances are easy to get a hold of and with some peer pressure, it can be hard to say no.
Especially when the new role of social media comes into play. Almost 11 million teens say that they have seen pictures of kids doing drugs or drinking
alcohol online and the images look like these teens are having fun!
These images show short segments of young adults seeming to enjoy themselves, making it look glamorous. In fact, the survey finds that teens that use view
social networking sites are more likely to smoke, drink and use drugs. That’s because what they don’t show are the potential risks and negative side
effects of drinking too much. We don’t see the vomiting from overindulging, the hangovers and the DUI’s or MIP offenses these kids can face. In fact, the
California Highway Patrol reports that DUI arrests for the 18 and under age group, has already exceeded the 2011 numbers by six.
Once arrested for DUI, underage offenders will have to take an 8 Hour Minor In Possession Class as part of their sentence. A convenient suggestion so that you
don’t have to miss work driving your child to a traditional classroom, is to enroll him in an online DUI class for first time offenders. In the classes
they learn specific reasons why drugs and alcohol will inevitably cause problems in their lives. Look at what getting caught has already done? They will
learn the physical and psychological results of using these substances as well as the legal ramifications. Most importantly, teens will be educated on how
to overcome peer pressure, how to manage their stress and other effective coping skills to avoid drug and alcohol use. Online classes are available to take
immediately any time of the day or night.
After reading these statistics, most parents are probably thinking what can I do to help my kids navigate this scene if they haven’t gotten involved in
drugs or alcohol to this point? The social season is just ramping up with Homecoming, football games and holiday dances, so it’s important to have the
discussion and educate them now! Don’t wait until it’s too late and your child has been arrested for DUI. Have your teen take an online Alcohol and Drug
awareness course today to educate them on the potential dangers they could face.
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